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Tutorials on Painter Paper Grains

Tutorials on Painter Paper Grains

Added a new tutorial or two on Painter paper grains such as pop art effect and grains as well as blob filter etc. There is also a massive 1350 Paper grains available on the page which can be used for commercial work as well as personal. 

Resources to buy

You can find more about the resources and tutorials via

Apply surface

Paper grains in Painter can be used in countless ways such as using them with the 'using' command in Apply Surface texture for the most amazing surface effects in seconds. As the resources can modified in countless ways such as scaling and contrast and rotation etc via the media panel, you can create some truly awesome surfaces (way better than Photoshop etc anyway) in seconds.  You can also add softness as well as appearance of depth and multiple lights to add even more to the preset. 

Screens and colors

You can also use the same resources via other effects in the Painter application such as adjust color where you can modify the color of the image combined with the current selected preset. Adjust selected colors. Apply screen is another super useful tool that uses the resources via the using method. You can set the threshold 1 and threshold 2 and different colors to create the most extreme screen effects with all kinds of resources stored within the PAP libraries (it should be noted that the earlier resources for Painter were PAP files and they are now paperlibrary files instead). 


You can use the presets with color overlay to create some very unusual overlays with the papers and this can be combined with different models such as dye concentration and hiding power and opacity as well as changing the color of the overlay. As with all the tools in Painter, the effects can be used once or multiple times to create some truly wow designs. The grains can be altered between each application of the overlay. 

Express texture

You can also use the resources with the express texture (this now is a little confusing as the application has a new texture feature which is not the same as the grains but perhaps it will be renamed to express instead). The express texture comes with a range of features such as strength of grain as well as the threshold and contrast. Doesn't sound much but it does mean you can create 1000s of amazing black and white designs in seconds. As with all the tools, you can also combine it with other effects as well such as blurs. You can also use the tool multiple times but with different resources. 


Some effects do not use the papers / painter grains but you can get around this by using features such as the select and auto select command and then use the papers option in that. You can then just use the woodcut with the selection (as well as other effects such as apply lighting). As you can also manipulate the selection all kinds of amazing designs can be created by using that approach


Very similar to the express texture in that it is black and white but there are a number of great features in the distress that use the papers in even more artistic ways such as smoothing to create some very interesting distressed designs. 


Some of the effects use the grains as only a slider and not a 'using'. Instead the tool controls the strength of the applied paper so it can add an interesting roughness to the paper instead of a plain sketch (though I have to say, the sketch is never the best of sketch effects)

Glass distortion

This is probably one of the best effects in Painter and it uses the resources to create amazing glassy effects with a variety of different maps (angle etc) as well as softness and variance and direction. Glass distortion combined with the different resources can create the amazing depth designs with any image. As with all the effects, glass distortion can be faded as well as re-applied multiple times with different resources


It does not use the resources directly but it is a fairly quick job to convert any of the paper grains into a pattern (all you need to know is the size of the tile and then create a new document for the express texture command to apply the resource and then use the pattern panel to capture the design). Once you have the pattern, you can then use the blobs filter with the patterns using option. You can create the most unique distorted designs in seconds by using the blobs

Custom tile

A very odd filter and one to be used with care as the resources can play havoc with the custom tile (I think I have had more crashes with this than any other effect but probably they are not crashes but they just take forever to process). You can use the resources combined with blur radius, grout color, blur passes, threshold etc 

Pop art 

This effect does not use papers directly but like the blobs, you can use converted patterns. You can use it to create some truly unusual dot themed design

Select auto select

You can also use the resources with the select command auto select. That is super useful as it means the effects such as apply lighting can use the resources (there is no using option available to that effect).  You can also use the auto select with effects that do use the resources


The resources can also be used with one of the key features of Painter - brushes. Select any of the 'grainy ' brushes and you can use the Painter paper resources. There is also a panel for the grains and brushes such as adding jitter and smoothness as well as now random grain rotation and position. You can also manipulate many of the brushes (not all though) by going to the general panel and selecting (if available) the sub category of grainy flat cover, hard cover, alpha blend and a few more. 

Dynamic plugins

You can also use the resources in the layers panel via the dynamic plugins at the bottom of the panel. Select 'burn' and you can select the use paper texture (again slightly confusing as textures are now used in different context). You can use the resources (again if you convert the resources to patterns) as a great source or clone source for the liquid metal dynamic plugin. 

So there you have it, the Painter paper grains can be used to create 1000s of amazing designs so they should not be overlooked when you come to use the application. You can find more about the resources via the graphicxtras site as well as Corel's site -


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